Korea-Norway Summit (June 2019)

Korea-Norway Summit (June 2019)

President Moon Jae-in on June 13 held a summit with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg at her official residence in Oslo, Norway.
The two leaders pledged to enhance cooperation in shipbuilding and hydrogen energy and discussed the peace process on the Korean Peninsula and strengthening bilateral ties.

Korea-Chile Summit (April 2019)

Korea-Chile Summit (April 2019)

President Moon Jae-in on April 29 in Seoul hosted a summit on economic cooperation with visiting Chilean President Sebastian Pinera.

"Two-way trade volume quadrupled thanks to the free trade agreement (both countries) signed in 2003, and we mutually became important economic partners," President Moon said, adding, "Since we forged a 'comprehensive, cooperative' partnership in 2004, our relations have grown stronger."

Korea-Kazakhstan Summit (April 2019)

Korea-Kazakhstan Summit (April 2019)

President Moon Jae-in and Kazakh President Kassym Jomart Tokayev on April 22 held a bilateral summit at Ak Orda Presidential Palace in Nursultan, Kazakhstan, and pledged to jointly work on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. 

The two leaders discussed enhancing bilateral relations and cooperating for peace and prosperity on the peninsula and Central Asia. After their summit, they signed a joint statement on their summit and seven memorandums of understanding.

Korea-Uzbekistan Summit (April 2019)

Korea-Uzbekistan Summit (April 2019)

President Moon Jae-in held a summit with Uzbek President Shavkat Miriziyoyev on April 19 at the presidential palace in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Two leaders agreed to upgrade their bilateral ties to the level of a special strategic partnership. After the summit, they signed seven agreements to ensure things such as guarantee of investments and prevention of double taxation.

Korea-Turkmenistan Summit (April 2019)

Korea-Turkmenistan Summit (April 2019)

President Moon Jae-in on April 17 held a summit with Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow at Oguzkhan Palace in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, on bilateral cooperation in sectors such as energy and infrastructure. They later signed a memorandum of understanding on collaboration in six areas such as information and communications technology and human resource training.

Korea-U.S. Summit (April 2019)

Korea-U.S. Summit (April 2019)

President Moon Jae-in on April 11 held a bilateral summit with U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington.
Both leaders discussed denuclearization efforts including resuming talks between North Korea and the U.S., and agreed to sustain a strong bilateral alliance as the linchpin of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

Korea-Cambodia Summit (March 2019)

Korea-Cambodia Summit (March 2019)

President Moon Jae-in and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on March 15 agreed to expand bilateral economic cooperation in areas such as finance, infrastructure and agriculture. In their summit held in Phnom Penh, the president said, "As one of our major partners in development cooperation, Cambodia is also an important ally in implementing Korea's New Southern Policy. I hope that our countries will continue working together to bring a prosperous future to both of our nations." Hun Sen added, "Thanks to your visit, our relations have already been strengthened, and I look forward to elevating our relations to the level of a strategic partnership."

Korea-Malaysia Summit (March 2019)

Korea-Malaysia Summit (March 2019)

President Moon Jae-in and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on March 13 pledged to reach a bilateral free trade agreement and conclude negotiations toward that goal by year's end. In a joint news conference at the prime minister's office in Putrajaya, Malaysia, both leaders said they also discussed boosting cooperation in future vehicles, information technology (IT), smart industries, medicine and the halal market.

Korea-Brunei Summit (March 2019)

Korea-Brunei Summit (March 2019)

President Moon Jae-in on March 11 held a summit with Bruneian Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah on the first leg of his tour of three Southeast Asian nations, with both leaders agreeing to strengthen bilateral cooperation in energy and infrastructure. The two leaders also discussed increasing cooperation in intellectual property and science and technology, two areas that could spawn new growth engine.

Korea-UAE Summit (February 2019)

Korea-UAE Summit (February 2019)

President Moon Jae-in and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on Feb. 27 agreed in their summit to strengthen bilateral cooperation in high-tech industries to develop a so-called special strategic partnership between both sides. Both leaders agreed to facilitate more people-to-people exchanges through the UAE Ambassador Program and youth exchanges, as well as seek mutual growth befitting the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.