Press Releases

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Sep 06,2024

The Korean government announced the electric vehicle (EV) fire safety management measures today at the Ministerial Meeting on Current State Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Han Duck-soo.

As the Incheon apartment parking lot EV fire in August fueled nationwide concerns over EV charger safety, the Government has come up with measures to relieve public anxiety and promote EV safety. To this end, related ministries established detailed measures based on consultations with automobile industry insiders, National Assembly discussions, and a high-level meeting of government and ruling party officials (August 25).

Through the established measures, the Government aims to strengthen the entire safety management process. First, the EV battery certification system previously scheduled to begin next February will move up to October this year in the form of a pilot project. The extent of information disclosure will include key information, such as the battery maker and manufacturing technology. The list of criteria for battery inspections is to sharply lengthen and the Korea Transportation Safety Authority (TS) will swiftly expand the battery testing infrastructure. The battery data tracing system is to launch as planned in February 2025.

Beginning next year, automakers not insured against product liability losses will not be eligible for EV subsidies, and the Government is considering mandating companies to buy product liability insurance. As for charge point operators (CPOs), the proposed bill on CPOs’ no-fault insurance mandate is under review.

For battery safety, the Government will work on improving the EV battery management system (BMS) functions. Hyundai, Kia and other major automakers have plans to provide free-of-charge installation of BMS for older models lacking the system. For cars already equipped with the safety system, companies plan to offer free-of-charge performance upgrades. Moreover, the Government will establish BMS standards for battery danger levels by the end of the year. Starting in the first half of 2025, firefighting authorities will be alerted of battery danger warnings of cars whose owners have agreed to information provision.

The Government also aims to enhance fire prevention with fail-safe smart EV chargers that enable operators to control charging sessions, proposing to increase their distribution from this year’s 20,000 to 71,000 units in 2025. Slow-speed battery chargers are to be replaced with smart chargers taking account their lifespan and nearby firefighting facility.

Based on many experts’ opinion that prompt sprinkler activation is most effective in preventing the spread of fire, the Government plans to minimize areas vulnerable to safety management through improving and expanding the provision of related equipment. All new buildings’ underground parking lots will require the installation of a wet pipe sprinkler system for fire emergencies, but the installation of pre-action sprinklers will be allowed for buildings with high risk of freezing and bursting pipes. In addition, related authorities will strengthen punishment on unauthorized disabling of sprinklers and other firefighting equipment.

In light of the public sentiment toward recent EV fire accidents, the mandatory installation of charging points (2 percent) scheduled for implementation beginning in January has been granted a one-year grace period with the cooperation of local government bodies. Laws will be amended by the first half of 2025 to require the use of fire-resistant materials in building the walls, ceilings, and columns of underground parking lots for better fire prevention.

To enhance fire response capacity, all 240 fire stations in the country by next year will be supplied with an increased number of EV firefighting equipment. Through public-private collaboration, the Government plans to develop small-sized, unmanned firefighting vehicles for easier access into underground parking lots for distribution next year. Meanwhile, amendments will be made to make firefighting easier by mandating the provision of location and floor plan of multi-dwelling units and apartment complexes to the fire department. At the same time, authorities intend to strengthen public education on fire reporting and response procedures.

In the mid-to-long term, the Korean government plans to work on developing additives and battery fire extinguishing technology to enhance battery separator stability, as well as all solid-state battery technology.

As for prospects of relocating EV charging stations, related ministries and experts will review possible measures with respect to firefighting conditions.

Other items for review are to be covered by the EV Fire Safety Task Force by the end of this year.